In this episode, environmental scientist and newly elected ACTFA Chair Bindi Isbister, talks to us about CTF and why farmers should consider the benefits that CTF systems have to offer.

Bindi also discusses soil amelioration bloopers and where farmers can avoid traps and pitfalls.

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About this episode’s guest

Bindi is an Environmental Scientist with more than 20 years’ experience in agricultural research and extension. She grew up on a mixed farm in Kojonup, Western Australia where her Dad passed on his passion for sustainable agriculture.

Bindi works two days a week for the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA as a Research Scientist on soil amelioration projects. She also works part-time for Agrarian Management as a Precision Agriculture Consultant.

Bindi has developed extensive knowledge of controlled traffic farming and precision agriculture working on state and national projects. This includes writing the NACC Controlled Traffic Farming Technical Manual in 2013 that is a revised version of the original Tramline Farming Manual she wrote in 2003. All this talk of machinery means she has now got tyre kicking down to a fine art!

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