Episode 4 Talking CTF

Luke Clark is a partner in a family farming business at Jamestown, in the Mid-North of South Australia.

Their cropping enterprise is a full CTF zero till operation, retaining 100% of stubble to achieve constant ground coverage. There is a separate enterprise of a self-replacing merino flock. Luke also has worked as a broad acre cropping agronomist.

He learns a great deal from other like-minded farmers, and fits it all to their environment, using is  degree as it he puts it from the “YouTube Uni” and his master’s from the “Google Institute of Time-wasting”.

In this episode, Luke tells us how he got started in farming and made the transition to CTF. Luke also offers some insights into setting up a CTF system and the benefits that CTF has brought to his family’s farming enterprise.

ACTFA would like to acknowledge the following funders who made this podcast interview possible.

ACTFA-National Landcare Program Smart Farms Project 4-EALL5X “Resilient mixed farming systems In Victoria and New South Wales through controlled traffic farming.